When I was asked to say a few words about the Community Center I immediately and without hesitation had an enormous success story dedicated to those who needed it most, and that the José de Mello Group, through its volunteers, witnessed this.
May you continue your journey, helping all who can with the help of us all.
Let there be good!
I grew up and learned to see our Center, in an unceasing search to give permanent testimony to society that a new beginning is possible, to create more equal opportunities, to allow some to nurture the dream of hoping to start a new life. As our Father Aleixo dreamed and asked us all, we must also continue to dream, to build and nurture this project that is the Community Center of the Parish of Carcavelos.
Let us all, therefore, welcome all to serve, to love all, especially the most unprotected and marginalized, but always with total respect for the Human Person and his freedoms.
Thank you very much
For me, the Community Center of Carcavelos was the place where I was born a second time.
Here I was given the strength to change my way of thinking and acting to drop the drugs and the street.
I am immensely grateful to be alive and be able to give a little of myself to people that need.
A THANK YOU is not enough to express everything I feel.