You can make a spot donation or join the “Friends of the Center” program to make a regular donation.
To complete your donation fill in and submit the following form.
You will receive in the email the instructions for payment.
regular donations
” Being part of the COMMUNITY is to FEEL you are boarding THE ADVENTURE OF ALL”.
(father Aleixo Cordeiro)
All support, however small, makes a DIFFERENCE
You can contribute with the amount you can, being the reference 12 € year.
Payments can be monthly, semiannual or annual.
Payment Methods
IBAN: PT50 0033 0000 02380095546 61
Please send proof of transfer to to receive the receipt.
You can make the donation through your Paypal account or with a credit card.
Make DonationMBWAY
You can make the donation through the MBWAY app.
Make the MBWAY transfer to the number:
965 744 467
Cash, check, or ATM payments must be made at the Center’s office.
Statute of Patronage
All donations may be included in the tax benefits provided for in the Patronage Statute, in accordance with Decree-Law 74/1999, of March 16 – I Series, provided they comply with the requirements and procedures provided for.
The Community Center is recognized as a Public Utility Collective, through the registration published in the III series of Diário da República, nº 41 of February 18, 1999, p. 3770.

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